NBA All Star Celebrity Game

The NBA All Star Celebrity game that is being held this year is happening next month! Very exciting. It goes from February 14-16th and is held in Toronto so sadly, I cannot go since I live in Australia… I love basketball with a passion but the best part about this game is…


Ahhh! I’m so happy for him! Some of you may or may not know that Kris used to be a basketball player in school and was the team captain. I think I watched an interview of him where he said that they did very well and competed nationally which is AMAZING! However, he was injured so he couldn’t play for a while and went in a different direction which was being an idol. He was very upset about not being able to play and now that he’s finally playing and with multiple stars too I feel very proud, almost like a mother haha.

Of course, I loved Kris in EXO and all but I still love him now doing his own thing. He’s an amazing actor and I’m sure he’s an amazing basketball player too – he’s very talented. I will support him until the end and I hope he receives a lot of support from everyone too because he really deserves it. He’s gone through so much and so many people dislike him but I will never stop loving him. I wish him the best of luck for the game happening next month and for his future in general. I will love you forever and always Wu Yifan.


(look at him aw, isn’t he adorable?)

P.S: I’m sorry if this includes a lot of grammatical mistakes, I wrote this in a rush and I’ll fix it up whenever I can 🙂

~ Jen x

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