GOT7 Fanmeet in Sydney


I just realised it’s been an extremely long time since I posted on this blog but I felt the need to share this with you guys since it was truly the best night of my life.

For those of you that may not know, GOT7 came to Australia and had fan meetings for their new album ‘FLIGHT LOG: ARRIVAL”. It was announced they were coming to Sydney and it was during my school holidays so of course, I had to go!

There were three types of ticket passes:

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Bronze

I was lucky enough to get gold which guaranteed front section of the venue AND either a hi-touch or photo opportunity with the members! If you don’t know what hi-touch is, basically you get to go and high-five each member and photo opportunity is that you get to take a photo with the members (in a group with other fans).

When I got to the venue (and to Sydney in general because I’m from Canberra), I was given a wristband and found out I got a photo opportunity! I wanted hi-touch at first but then realised I would have more time to talk to them if I got a photo (and there were fewer people who got a photo). I’m going to just skip the rundown about the management because it will turn out to be really negative but just now that it was really poorly organised (which wasn’t the boys’ fault, it was the event management and Big Top’s).

Once I was inside the venue, everything was kicking in, my heart was beating really fast as I was there waiting for the boys, I think I cried at least 4 times and luckily I had a couple of people I met on the day with me! Shout out to you guys for dealing with me.

When the curtain dropped, I started crying AGAIN and went off to the side with my friends because people were pushing too much in the middle and Jackson Wang was RIGHT THERE! He was on my side most of the time because that was the order of the seating. I don’t bias Jackson, (my ultimate bias in K-Pop is Mark Tuan actually) but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him! The order of the seating from point of view went as follows:

Jackson, Jinyoung, Jaebum, Mark, BamBam, Yugyeom (unfortunately Youngjae couldn’t attend due to a back injury).

Even though I wasn’t that close to Mark (which was totally okay), I had so much fun. I was so in awe of their beauty and talent.



Since I was pretty close to Jackson, I got noticed quite a few times by him!

[Link to a video of my view:]

The first time was during Sign, I kept screaming Mark’s name (I was so shaken up by seeing him and he looked ethereal, I mean, how can you not?) and then I turned back towards Jackson and saw him looking in our direction. So I screamed Jackson and kept waving and he did the ‘I’m watching you sign’ where he pointed to his eyes then pointed to me, I found this funny so I laughed and he did the cute little squirtle smile of his, I was about to pass out. I went and told my friends who were standing more towards the back (since everyone was squishing at the front, they went and stood further back because they just wanted to enjoy) and they said they saw it! I was ecstatic. I also have some photos and videos of Jackson looking at me but I won’t include them all here.


During the games when the members the MC was talking, I thought Yugyeom needed some love, so I screamed Yugyeom constantly and waving constantly and he kept looking at me and didn’t do anything. When I continued, he gave me a smile and a thumbs up twice so I was very happy! After that Yugyeom also came towards the stage where we were standing a lot! If he knows you’re his fan, he provides so much love. He was so cute throughout the fan meeting, I was in awe.


Unfortunately, I don’t recall any time Jinyoung noticed me during the fan meeting, but I did speak to him when I went on stage for the photo! I’ll talk about him in that.


BamBam! My friends and I were definitely noticed by this guy, I know this for a FACT. During the games, they were looking for a fan with purple hair, two of the people I were with both had their hair dyed purple so of course, we went crazy trying to get them to see. I was constantly screaming their names (Mark and BamBam’s in particular) and pointing at my friends who had purpose hair and my other friends were doing the same (there was 4 of us). He obviously heard us and came towards where we were, pointed and went “Is that purple?” because he couldn’t see the hair that well so he walked off. We screamed yes and continued pointing then BamBam got Mark and brought him to our side as well (this was where I almost died), Mark also saw us and pointed at us to the MC along with BamBam but the MC had already chosen the person 😦 We were dead disappointed and my friends are still salty about it haha. Later when my friend went on stage for the photo, she spoke to BamBam directly and said “I had purple hair and was supposed to dance for you! [which is what they needed the purple haired fan for]” and BamBam replied with “I know! But the host had already chosen” and pouted. My friend also has a video of him pointing at us and asking if their hair is purple but I won’t post it here so comment if you’d like to see it!


Mark didn’t notice me much so I was very disappointed. He looked in my direction a few times but I don’t think it was at me, HOWEVER, he did notice my friends and I during the time they were looking for the fan with the purple hair. He also and waved at me after I screamed Mark when they were leaving! I included the photos of this as well! Another time was when I was waiting in the line for the photo and it was really quiet so I screamed Mark and he snapped his head up and looked to see who it was and saw me then.



Nothing happened with Jaebum 😦 I was so sad


So for photos, we were in a group of 10 and the fans didn’t get to choose who to be with but they tried to ask in their group if they could be with the member they wanted. Unfortunately, the group I was in, two of them biased Mark so I couldn’t have swapped with them. I was really gutted because I was looking forward to it and desperately wanted to take a photo with him and talk to him but I didn’t get to.  I still get sad about it to this day haha and it’s been a month since the fan meet happened today.

Anyway, when I went on stage I said hi to Yugyeom and BamBam, at first they didn’t hear me since they were talking to each other so I said hi again and they smiled and said hi back! Then I went to my seat and I was in front of Jinyoung! Before I sat down I said “Hi Jinyoung!” and waved at him and let me tell you, he gave the cutest little smile with his eye crinkles and waved back! I was so shaken up, it was the only image in my mind for like a week straight. After that happened, I sat down but the girl next to me asked to switch, so I figured that she probably biased Jinyoung and switched with her and I ended up in front of Jackson!

Jackson had this other girl and me in front of him,  he put his head in between our shoulders for the pose and did his iconic squirtle smile for the photo, I won’t include the photo because I don’t want to show my face but that is what happened! I was also leaning on his shoulder, it was heaven. After they took the photo I got up and asked him if I could get a hug but I don’t think he was allowed or he didn’t hear me because the girl next to me asked the same thing and he just didn’t say anything. We had a staring contest, I think it was because he was waiting for me to say something since I kept staring at him as well and like this happened for ages until I had to leave. When I was leaving I made it my goal to say hi to Mark and Jaebum but (and I’m still EXTREMELY mad about this), they had this huge security guard in front of them that was talking to them so I couldn’t say anything to them. I was very sad but I had to accept it.

That’s all that happened at the fan meeting! The boys were such amazing performers and were so lovely to the fans, it was really the best night of my life. I really hope I can go if they come back and that I’ll get to say something to Mark this time!

I apologise for the long post and any typos I may have made, I hope everyone’s having a good day/night!

~ Jen x

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